Member benefits

You can take a trial lesson once you complete our registration online.

(◀︎Click here to sign up and get a free trail lesson !

You can accommodate a beautiful guest house of Kyoto with the special price while you are being a member of Kyoto Eigo Mate. (Purchasing a package plan and attending a class are required.)

A guest house information

Kyo-Anthu Inn

Kyo-Anthu Inn


◆Special price ➡ 3,500 yen per person per night in all season

You can bring in up to 1 guest at the same price.

Reservation can be made up to 1 months in advance.

  1. (1) Check the availability by email ➡ (
  2. (2) Type out the reservation date, number of people and your name.
  3. (3) We will respond to your email once we are ready to confirm.